Books [Bartosz Porebski] Building PHP Applications with Symfony Cake PHP and Zend Framework



Web developers have been eager for an impartial comparison ofleading PHP frameworks so they can make educated decisions aboutthe most effective tool for their needs. This guide uses Symfony,CakePHP, and Zend Framework to solve key problems, providing sourcecode examples and comparisons for each. It explains the approachand reviews the similarities and differences in the threeframeworks, providing reliable information on which to base yourdecisions.
  • Symfony, CakePHP, and Zend Framework are considered the leadingPHP frameworks; developers need an unbiased comparison to choosewhich one works best for their individual situations
  • This guide uses each framework to solve the same problems,illustrating the solutions with source code examples and workingapplications
  • Covers wide range of topics, from installation andconfiguration to most advanced features like AJAX, web services andautomated testing.
  • Includes an appendix of new PHP frameworks, includingCodeIgniter, Lithium, and Agavi
  • Bestselling PHP author Elizabeth Naramore serves as technicaleditor
Comparison of PHP Web Frameworks provides the impartial,side-by-side comparison that developers have been looking for.


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