Books [Jose Storopoli, Rik Huijzer, Lazaro Alonso] Julia Data Science



This book describes the basics of the Julia programming language DataFrames.jl for data manipulation and Makie.jl for data visualization.

You will learn to:
  • Read CSV and Excel data into Julia.
  • Process data in Julia, that is, learn how to answer data questions.
  • Filter and subset data.
  • Handle missing data.
  • Join multiple data sources together.
  • Group and summarize data.
  • Export data out of Julia to CSV and Excel files.
  • Plot data with different Makie.jl backends.
  • Save visualizations in several formats such as PNG or PDF.
  • Use different plotting functions to make diverse data visualizations.
  • Customize visualizations with attributes.
  • Use and create new plotting themes.
  • Add LaTeX elements to plots.
  • Manipulate color and palettes.
  • Create complex figure layouts.
We update this book every few months based on updates to the GitHub repository. New versions will fix bugs and sometimes add chapters.



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