Books [Reginald Braithwaite] JavaScript Allongé



A long pull of functions, combinators, & decorators, written in modern JavaScript.

"Spent the afternoon reading @raganwald's JavaScript Allongé, the Six Edition. Highly recommended. Let the refactoring begin!" - Marcus Vorwaller

"I think it's one of the best tech books I've read since Sedgewick's Algorithms in C." - Andrey Sidorov

"Your explanation of closures in JavaScript Allongé is the best I've read." - Emehrkay

"It's a different approach to JavaScript than you'll find in most other places and shines a light on some of the more elegant parts of JavaScript the language." - @jeremymorrell

"This book is awesome and blowing my mind in a great way." - Johnathan Mukai

"Enjoying Javascript Allonge... I think it's the best discussion of functional programming in js I've found so far." - Nicholas Faiz

"Reading JavaScript Allongé by @raganwald. This book is so good that it's blowing my mind." - Guillermo Pascual


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